Voyages to England, Monaco and France, are the source of inspiration for the young Slovak designer Mária Gabčová. Under the brand MARIE GABCO she converted her original graphic creations, which were also exhibited in New York and Tokyo, into innovative textile patterns. Mária attended art school from she was seven years old and for last 10 years she has been painting silk scarves.
Every single pattern of HAND PAINTED scarf is completely unique, original and expresses a desire for freedom and joy of life. One of the hand painted scarves named Souffle d'Angleterre, which was inspired by Czech painter František Kupka and his composition, Amorphous, was used to create the first ready to wear collection of printed silk scarves called VOYAGES DE LA SOIE.
The second collection MOSAÏQUE is an expression of natural phenomena in the form of mosaic patterns, which are to remind us of the closeness of nature as an accompaniment to life and a place of beauty where we always want to return.